We had a dusting of snow Sunday, then cold weather.
School was cancelled on Monday. Tuesday was a 2 hour delay. Yesterday it warmed up to about 40 and although everyone around us either had a delay or no school, W had to be down at the end of the driveway before the crow peed. Our temp stayed up around 40 until this morning. It is now down to about 32. Of course W is malingering today. I think his ear infection is back. As soon as he stands up he feels sick and his ears hurt. I checked the computer and school was just showing a delay. As soon as I called to say he wasn't coming in, they canceled school.
With the forecast saying we were supposed to have temps in the 20's all week, I was hoping for some ice photo's of the lake by today. I did get one photo on Tuesday, but it's pretty thin ice. Tuesday was nice and sunny, but it was cold. The lake sure looks different than the one at the bottom of my blogs with the lilly pads and ducks. All of our ice is gone now, but the temps are supposed to get down in the 20's again for the next few days, so maybe some cool (ha ha) photo's next week...I should have shot a little video of the lake yesterday. I happened to glance out and thought I saw shark fins circling in the center of the lake. It was only a bunch of duck circling though. Too bad W was at school, I might have fooled him for a minute or two...
D had to drive about 8 hours on snow and ice yesterday. I was watching the news coverage of all the idiots crashing on the freeway. I kept watching to see if his fish truck showed up on it's side, but he was fine. I was surprised that the company never checked in with him while he was on his route. I think he normally gets back to town around 2, but yesterday he didn't get back until about 430...and everyone else had already left for the day!! This morning we were joking about if they would have noticed before this morning that he wasn't back. I keep telling him they have some kind of gps thing to spy on him, but he doesn't think so.
W went a couple hours south for a wrestling tournament last weekend. He got 4th place...out of 4. But he was happy to get a medal. I just hope he always ends up in a weight class with enough medals for the number of boys. He did show a lot of improvement from the last tournament though. His first match was against another 1st year wrestler. I think he was almost to the end of the 3rd period by the time the other kid pinned him, but W actually almost pinned the other kid a couple times. They both looked like they knew what they were doing. The other two boys in the weight class must have been 2nd if not 3rd year wrestlers. The match they had against each other was pretty aggressive. When W wrestled the first one of them, it was so fast I didn't even get any pictures. He managed to score 3 points off the other kid though before being pinned. I suspected after this tournament he would say he didn't want to wrestle anymore, but he still thinks it's fun. He even went up to the other 1st year wrestler on our way out to talk to him and congratulate him. I don't know, everyone says he's such a sweet boy, but in some cases, I think he needs to grow a competitive bone or something. Oh, and it would be nice if he remembered where he put his wrestling shoes. When we got there he realized they weren't in his bag...I'm guessing he left them after practice on Tuesday. He was lucky the coach that came has substandard size feet and loaned him his size 7's.
H is anxiously awaiting S's return from the frozen North. We never managed to get together before they left and his missed his lunch date this week. We did get a card with the kids on it. He goes up and "talks" to S a couple times during the day. And he is actually talking a little now. Yesterday he watched Polar Express. When it was over he came out and started shaking branches on the tree and coming pretty darn close to saying bell. He can repeat quite a few words from Little Einsteins. And of course he can hum the theme to Sponge Bob fairly well. He had been pointing to some Sponge Bob stuff of W's a week or so ago and I was sure he was saying butt cheek. Then I realized he was saying Patrick. That's not as bad as W running through the house at that age trying to say Aflack at the top of his lungs like the duck on the commercial. So sad that he couldn't make a decent L sound...nuff said.
So, this weekend we have the cub scout party. That is if our one nervous nelly mom doesn't want to cancel it. I'm thinking if she's too scared to drive, D can go pick her up. We have a Santa all lined up and he's even bringing his old lady. I don't know how we did it, but our membership was up enough from last year that we qualified for free pinewood derby cars. Santa will be giving those out to the boys. I was watching the food channel Sunday and Sandra Lee made these cute powdered donut hole trees on foam cones. So, I'm adding a row of those down the center of the table. I saw the tree they have all decorated down there and it's sooo cute. Every ornament is a sand dollar that has been decorated with bead and ribbons. Way cuter than the Santa's painted on the oyster shells you see at Sunday Market. I really hope we don't have to cancel the party. These little guys have just been doing such a good job. They deserve a nice little party.
I forgot to tell you all about my cell phone incident last week. Since H came along with all of his appointments, I have been using a palm pilot. Well, my cell phone battery was giving out and I figured why not upgrade to a smart phone and combine the palm with the phone. So, I was able to upgrade to a Centro for about $50. Just as I was going to do it D asked if he could get an upgrade as well. He was eligible for a free phone up to $50. So, we decided to order the centro on his number and he pick the Env2 which we ordered on my number for $20. When I activated them I played dumb and activated them so we kept our original numbers. Well, 2 days later we received an email saying our bill was $141 rather than $79. In checking, they had bumped my line access fee up from $10/mo to $44/mo. When I called they said that even though I had clicked "pay as you go" for the data usage (which I planned on being none) they automatically change you to some kind of data package (she couldn't tell me why they chose the $44/mo rather than the $29/mo). The reason they do that evidently is because it's a "smart phone" it can automatically download information. Say you research Africa. At 2 in the morning the phone can be bored and surfing the web and find something on zebra's and download it. My first thought was deactivate that feature...but the smart phone isn't smart enough for that. So we ended up putting my phone as the primary number and D's at the $10/mo number and changing our plan. Basically we still have the same minutes, the same coverage, but the plan is just named different. Good grief. At lunch with MandM we were talking about it. Her thought was what if you were googling a legitimate gyno problem and then your phone got bored and downloaded porn. Well, then my thought was what if you were wrongly accused of something after that and the cops checked into your phone records and ended up in so much more trouble. I think after that I would own my wireless company as well as Palm...
So, now I am off to make fudge. I have been sooo scroogy this year. We never ended up putting all of our outside lights up. I didn't put much more than the tree up inside. And I haven't been baking up a storm. I just don't know where all the time goes. It sure doesn't seem like it's almost Christmas.
Hope everyone has a good week.
That's so sweet that he talks to her picture!
I'm enjoying a quiet moment - need to get something done, but S is napping and Dad has the boys sledding, Mom is getting her nails done.....me - having an adult beverage and contmeplating the nature of the universe. Hey! Someone has to do it!
It really is whacky weather you're having out there! That's so cute that H misses S. Awwww
Congrats to W for doing so well in wrestling. How was the scout party??
Merry Christmas!
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