Okay, so D had this Thursday off...again... Maybe they just got a good deal on calendars with only 6 days a week or something.
Since D had the day off, we decided to take the rig in for its oil change. To keep our customer for life thing with the dealership, it's an hour drive up there. It's not too bad if you want to go shopping while you are there as well. And they provide the rental car, so why not. Well, when I made the appointment, I wavered between 930 and 1030 for the 2 1/2 hour appointment, saying that I needed to be back by 3 to get W off the bus. When we dropped the rig off, D actually signed for the service, then we were off to shop and eat lunch. They hadn't called back by 1, so we went back and they hadn't even started it. Evidently when I made the appointment over the phone they put 530 for a pick up time. D thought the guy told him 2 1/2 hours when he signed for it. by now it's 145 and they said they could take it in right away and be done by about 240 and wanted to know if that would give us enough time to get back home. For the 3rd time I told him where we lived and that it was about a 1 hour drive, so no. Of course he just chuckled and said "uh, no" when I suggested they have someone deliver it to our house when they were done. So, since the rental is for 24 hours, I have to drive up tomorrow morning to get it, then rush back here for W's speech therapy around noon. Good grief.
We did the Superbowl thing here. D decided that we needed to have munchies all day, just for the 4 of us. Well, then our neighbor boy came over too, but then he and W hid out in his room. Anyway, I was going to make gorilla bread and didn't have enough canned biscuits. Since Safeway had a couple good coupons that were for just Sunday, I decided to go ahead and run to the store. OMG! I thought they had changed the date of Thanksgiving and forgot to inform me!! It was just insane. Fortunately we hadn't had enough rain to put the one half of the parking lot under a foot of water. There were only two shopping carts when I got in the store. While I was trying to navigate the aisles, they made two pipes saying there were no shopping carts at either entrance (like, did they really think people wouldn't figure that our on their own? Or was that the warning to keep your hand on the cart you were fortunate enough to have??) They were done to about a dozen block of the cheese that was one of the main sales I was going for. The checkout lines were extending well into the aisles leading to the back of the store. Just insane!! Then when I got home some evil person had laid out a few big bowls of chips, several types of dip, a pan of nitrate free little smokies on the stove as well as rib hanging out on the BBQ. Just evil. And then no one cared for the gorilla bread, just the monkey bread.
It looks like H re qualified to ESD. Yeah. I'm wondering if he will ride the bus to "school" and when they will actually start him. I was wondering how I was going to fit my PT sessions in with him tagging along. But...if he will ride the bus, that will stretch his 1 1/2 hour school day out to maybe 2 hours. Anyway, I don't know that keeping him up until 10 the night before his eval made any difference at all. He was very cooperative and I was sure that she would say that he didn't qualify. She told me that if she scored him at his current age down to the day, he was right on the border, but if she pretended that he already had his birthday (which is only a couple weeks away) then he clearly qualified. Bean counters. I don't know, he does have the cuteness factor that works in his favor from time to time.
W and I got off to a very bad start yesterday. Actually, he was fine until I realized he was glued to the TV and not putting his shoes on so he could go to the bus. Of course once the TV went off, H started crying. Then that made W upset and he chose to be grounded and that made him cry. Then that made H cry more. Then W got more upset from all the noise and chose to be grounded for another day. Then I asked him to find his glasses and he didn't want to. I informed him that if he didn't find his glasses by the weekend, he wasn't going to the sportsman show. That really set him off. Then I told him he had to straighten out or he couldn't go to school. That made him cry more, which made H cry more. OMG, I could have kissed the bus driver when she took half my stress factors for the day.
So, we are almost ready to sell candy and meat sticks. I just can't believe that combination. Anyway, I don't know how that's going to go. They want $2/each this year. I'm excited about the chocolate. It's worlds finest chocolate, which personally, I think is a much better bargain than $1 for Hershey. We have Tillamook meat sticks, which is good. We would have been hard pressed to go hocking a different brand. And they say "new size", but D and I are not convinced that it is a "larger" size than last year and definitely isn't twice the size.
Anyway, I am off to think about whether or not I should fix dinner. D, H and I ate out for lunch. After my crab Alfredo, I could go a week without eating. W on the other hand will be hard pressed to make it to bedtime, you know I'm convinced he has tapeworms or something...
Hope everyone has a good week.
Oh, don't forget...Home Depot's kids workshop this Saturday. It is a trinket box with a little heart on top. Just perfect for the kids to give to mom for Valentines Day...
Morning mist on our lake after last years storm

What could be better than sitting in a deck chair drinking coffee and chatting with the gals???
Thursday, February 5, 2009
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I've heard of monkey bread, but what is gorilla bread?
Sounds like you had a very yummy super bowl! My Dave would have loved to have that instead of herpes pizza!
Good luck getting your car back!!
Do all Home Depots do those workshops? That would be fun!
What is the difference between Gorilla and Monkey Bread?
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