Well, yesterday they were calling for more snow last night down to 500 feet. Oh joy. We woke up to a thin layer of ice on the walkway, which I'm sure is probably gone by now. D had to scrape windows before work this morning. (Yes, he is working a Thursday!! Although it may just be some kind of training.) W's school and MandM's I think were the only ones around here that weren't delayed this morning and one school was even cancelled. Sure glad it wasn't us!!!
We went to see Wizard of Oz at the theater on Sunday. This is the first time we had been to there. They did an awesome job with the renovation. W had been there for school. We started out sitting downstairs, but then found that we could sit in the balcony. Of course W wanted to sit right in the front row and lean over. I put a stop to that right away because H has to copy everything, and I just didn't think W needed to be leaning over the edge either. I know, there's that whole survival of the fittest things, but still. Anyway, they started with the Original, Original Wizard of Oz, which was a silent movie, made by and company that later went bankrupt. Hmm, I don't really wonder why. It was sooo corny. They had everyone standing inside the house bouncing around. Then they cut to an outside view of a doll house sliding toward a cliff. Of course the dollhouse fell off the cliff and burst into flames. Then they cut back to an interior view and people were climbing out of piles of straw. They had one heavy guy followed by a scrawny black guy (I don't know if toto was more PC in the next movie or what). Anyway, if it hadn't been a silent movie I would have asked if they were Spanky and Buckwheat all grown up. The kind of cut that off after about 5 minutes and went into MGM version that everyone has seen. H slept through about half of it. I think D snoozed a little. H snores pretty bad sometimes, so I wasn't surprised to hear him snore, but then I noticed that the guy behind us was snoring as well. I am hoping they do some more kids movies like that over the summer. It was $3/each. There is no concession stand, so that means that it really is on $3 each for a movie.
So, D and I finally moved 2 trees from the upper part of the yard to down by the lake. (Okay, I admit, D did most of the hard work.) They are a couple leyland Cyprus that are maybe 6 feet tall. So, they may die from the move, but they were so stunted under the pine up here. Of course we had some wind (here??? No!!) and they blew over. So yesterday D poked them back in the ground and staked them. I am thinking a nice little escalonia will look good up where these trees were. Mainly because I know it won't stay a nice little escalonia. It will get big and block the view of Dorothy, the wicked witch to the North. Plus the birdies will love it.
Do any of you watch House? My SIL kind of got us addicted to it. So now it's like our new Law and Order...always an episode on someplace. Anyway, I watched the most disturbing rerun the other night. It started out with an awesome car crash. Two kids out joy riding in the dads car. The girl gets distracted, slams on the brakes like a girl would, slides sideways under a semi...unscathed, only to be t-boned by a bus seconds later. Anyway, the disturbing part was that toward the end House finds out the 15 year old family cat had just died, apparently of old age. He sends his minions out to dig the cat up and does an autopsy on it. They find that the cat did not die of old age, it died because of some kind of bug that was nesting in the walls of the house. So, I know that our cat did not just die from that because we spent $42 for a health check before the vet would let me put the poor thing to sleep, but still. Now every time the boys look sick I'm going to have nightmares that House is going to come dig up our cat. I hate bugs.
Well, H is turning into a regular little jabber box. Tuesday was D's birthday and H was actually singing Happy Birthday to him. He can sure carry a tune, but his pronunciation sure needs work. Since his birthday is Saturday, I'm trying to teach him to sing "Happy birthday to me". D wanted to know what we were going to do for his birthday. I told him we were taking him to the district pinewood derby. D said we should have a cake and ice cream or something for him, but really that would be for someone else. He just isn't a cake and ice cream kid. I mentioned the meatloaf cake with mashed potato frosting and that didn't get a very warm reception. H did seem to not mind the mint chocolate chip ice cream that D had for his birthday, but I think he only ate about a tablespoon of it. H did discover a white food that he would eat this week. I think I've told everyone he loves red bell peppers. So much that he has actually bitten his fingers while scarfing peppers. A couple weeks ago he got in the fridge and helped himself to a whole pepper. He wandered in here with a big hole chewed in the side and a trail of seeds behind him. Anyway, I had just cut up a jicama and always the optimist offered him a piece. He eventually took it and liked it. And gee, he must have really liked it because shortly after taking maybe his 10th piece he bit his finger and came crying to me. I know it's not funny, but that little confused face covered with tears is just priceless.
W seems to have recovered from his ear infection. We took him to the ENT yesterday to see if he would benefit from an adenoidectomy. The doctor said that he didn't have any fluid in his ears now that they weren't infected and his adenoids and tonsils were just a "moderate" size. He didn't feel that yanking parts out would make much of a difference. On the other hand he couldn't see any reason why he would start getting ear infections at this age. So, now we wait for the next one and take him in to the ENT before getting antibiotics from Tony. He did mention the possibility of putting him on a "prophylaxis of antibiotics". I don't know why, that just sounds bizarro. Anyway, he said that they sometimes treat recurrent ear infections the same way they do a teens acne. Just a mild antibiotic to keep things in check. My first concern there was building up a resistance and having him one day die of something as simple as an infected hangnail, but the doctor said they don't find that happening with this course of treatment. Of course it could be that there is something that is causing his allergies to flare, leading to that buildup of fluid, which leads to the infection. I think I would rather look at what is causing the allergies to flare if that's the root of the problem.
So, you know what they say about the best laid plans. I had planned that golden ticket thing and chocolate party for our scouts candy sale. Well, the day we were going to give out our candy I found out that the chocolate store that MandM and I went into a couple weeks ago closed. They are still selling at their location downtown, but the "factory" location that did the tours and party had to close. She told me they "may" reopen in the "spring". So, based on that I just freaked out about only having a couple hours to figure out how to make the candy sale more appealing to the boys. So now we don't have any golden ticket, but we have two goals. If the pack sells $2,500, which is only 3 boxes of candy and 3 bags of meat sticks each, we will take the 7 boys and their families to the aquarium. If they can each sell about 1 more box of candy and one more bag of meat sticks each, that brings us up to $3000 and then we will add a trip to the movie theater for the pack. Of course W needs to sell 10 or so boxes or bags for us to not have to crack open the check book for day camp or horse camp this summer.
Well, H has an appointment at the school this afternoon. It looks like they are going to wait until after spring break for him to actually start school. That makes sense. I can see some kids freaking out a little over having a couple weeks of class, a break and then thrown back into class. I tend to think H won't care one way or the other though. He's such an easy kid and is so used to going here and there for all of his appointments with different people. It actually kind of worries me that he is so accepting of just any old person.
So, who has heard about the Ikea incident in Portland?? OMG, I just can't believe what they say happened. If you haven't heard...They evidently have a tot lot or whatever. So, parents who want to go shopping, but don't want to tote their kids around can just drop them off with strangers in a room at the store. Supposedly they mark the child and the parent to avoid handing the wrong kid to the wrong parent, plus there was something they said about some item being left in the kids tubby to further identify the parent. Anyway, this particular day some woman found a little boy in the store just crying. At first they thought he had gotten separated from his parents. Well, of course Ikea's side of the story is "no comment". The dad is saying that apparently there were two boys with the same name. The other boys parents came to pick their kid up and they tot lot person handed off the wrong boy. I'm sorry, that just doesn't make sense. My first thought is why didn't the other parent say "that's not my kid" if they were being handed the wrong one? Then you have to think maybe they sent the wrong boy out and didn't pay attention to if the parent walked off with him. But wouldn't you think they would figure they needed to look for that first boy when the parents didn't walk off but came back up and asked again for their boy?? The dad said that his son told him that the tot lot people just came to him and said "it's time for you to go" and sent him out the door. Good grief. Not that I think I would ever leave my child in one of those places, but I think Ikea would be re-furnishing my entire house, plus maybe the house of a few relatives and friends.
Anyway, I'm off to try to get some things done around the house and then go have lunch with MandM and H has his date with Miss S.
Hope everyone has a good week.
Morning mist on our lake after last years storm

What could be better than sitting in a deck chair drinking coffee and chatting with the gals???
Thursday, February 26, 2009
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1 comment:
The ear infection thing rings a bell with us. G was on the profolactic course for three months and she went maybe two years without another ear infection, and when she did get another one, it was a middle ear infection. The ENT said she was a bit old to still be getting ear infections, so that is why we started with the three month round. Seems to have worked.
I am going to have to google the IKEA thing. Sounds rather strang to be true. Where did you hear it?
I used to watch House, but kind of stopped for really no reason. I would love to chat more, but I have to go eat pot roast!
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