Okay, so where is everyone??
Well, not much going on here this week. I finally broke down and made my own FB so I don't have to keep sneaking on D's. Of course it was humorous when I put down that I was married to him FB right away said it was going to email him to confirm that fact. Whatever. I just snuck back onto his FB and acknowledged our relationship.
So, we went fishing on Sunday. Note that I said fishing and not catching. Of course no one bothered to remember that H gets car sick sometimes early in the morning. So when he hurled about 1/2 mile from the lake, we didn't have a change of clothes for him. Good thing it was warm. We just rinsed his shirt in the lake and left it in the truck. Then he fell in and rinsed his own pants. I'll tell you what. I've decided that fishing really isn't a relaxing sport when you have two kids wiggling in the little boat. We didn't catch any fish. W caught one crawdad in his trap. We dropped it back down and then ate lunch before checking it again. Then it had 5, so he got greedy and dropped it back down for more. When he pulled it back up it was empty. Evidently when he dropped it that second time it opened a little. Not only did his 5 trophy crawdads get out, they took his chicken as well!! So, he will have to wait a little longer to decide that he doesn't want to eat a crawdad. We did have fun though. And Kodi seemed to enjoy getting in the water at the boat ramp. She did not, however, enjoy it when D and the boys rowed back out for the trap. I had to put her on her leash to keep her from swimming after the boat. D tried to put her in the boat, but she would have none of that.

Hmm, other excitement. W and the neighbor boy were playing in the sand pit the other day. W started screaming and D went to see what was the matter. He had a huge bug on his shorts. I googled large beetles and I think it was a June bug, but maybe a little bigger than what they normally are. So, now he's freaked out by bugs. Of course I found one of H's plastic beetles and tossed it into the tub with W yesterday. For some reason he really didn't appreciate it as much as I did.
Other buggy news. I was talking to MiniMehe the other day while cleaning out the crumb trap on the toaster oven. Well, I thought somehow I had just gotten a bunch of toast crumbs across the back of my hand. Then I realized that those crumbs were actually a good size spider. I had to put the phone down to do the "Eww, gross, there's a spider on my hand" dance while trying to find something to smash it with. Of course MiniMehe, being a bit of a bugaphobe may have been havine heart failure on the other end of the line, but she sounded pretty calm. I told her that as least I hadn't needed to do the "naked spider dance" or even the "OMG, there's some kind of bug in my ear" dance for awhile. And...she was still brave enough to say she is coming for a visit in about a month.
So, I'm thinking tomorrow will be a nice relaxing day. Well, as relaxing as it can be with kids. D worked Thursday this week, so he is off tomorrow. We might try for a family breakfast, then it's off to home depot day (combination dry erase/cork bulletin board) and then off to the fair. I can almost taste my corn dog now, yummo.
Well, it's been awhile since I changed recipes. So, I'm thinking I'll put a good summer guac recipe up. We've been BBQ'ing lots of corn, and this is about the only way to make guac that is worth eating as far as I'm concerned. Of course D and W like it too, so I don't get it all to myself.
Anyway, hope everyone has a good week. Hope everyone updates.....
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