Okay, so it looks like we are done with our snow and moving on to rain. And it's actually been rain, not what I normally call "heavily misting".
W's school let out early two days ago for rain and they didn't even have school today. It's all because of that section of Hwy to the south that always floods. I heard that once again there was water shooting out of the manhole covers along the river next to the high school down there. Darn, I could have gotten the underside of the rig pressure washed. I'm hoping they have school tomorrow. It's time to be done with family time.
H was suppose to go up the river for an eye appointment tomorrow. I went ahead and cancelled it. Between the flooding to the south and now the Hwy to the north is flooding as well, that would just suck to get up there and have W sent home from school and not be able to get back home. I really don't think we need the quarterly eye exams anyway.
So, my cub scout project for last week, garbage. Yes, I let the boys play with garbage. I took my wrapping paper tubes in as well as some shoe box lids. Once they stopped beating each other with them, I had them split 1 foot sections of tubes lengthwise, color them, then pass a marble from one end of the trough to the other and pass it off to the next boy. Who knew they would have so much fun with that. Eventually the two oldest boys realized that I was ever so slightly pinching the ends of my trough to keep from loosing the marble (hey, at my age I need all the help I can get to keep from loosing my marbles) so they started blatantly pinching theirs off. Our next project was to line the inside of a shoe box lid with colored paper and poke a marble size hole in one end. Then I had them glue straws inside to make a maze. The object of that was to run the marble through the maze to the hole on the other side. Of course W first drew out this very elaborate, curly maze. So he had to cut little 1/2 inch sections of straws. They seemed to enjoy that as well.
We finally got a call from H's doctor about his last CT scan. With all the weather issues and vacations it took forever. We weren't too concerned though, he's doing so well. Anyway, she said that everything looks great. His ventricles are the smallest they have ever been. The cyst has gone down a lot. I guess that's both good and bad news in a way. Since he looked so good before the last surgery, she debated whether or not the enlarged ventricles and cyst size were going to be his normal size. I think she still was kind of thinking along those lines after tapping the shunt and finding it wasn't working. She said that it was a possibility that he may have just stabilized at that size and may not be dependant on the shunt. So, now we know he is still dependant on the shunt, but we also know it's working. We even know now how some very subtle changes we saw may be signs to watch for in the future. So, I'm hoping that he will be surgery free until the next time he goes to the plastic surgeon.
We had another coyote sighting last Friday. We were on the way out and both boys were being freaks. I finally just told W he needed to go get in the car and H would follow. Of course I didn't want the dog to follow, but she squirted out the door as well. I went to call her back in and W was looking down to the end of the driveway and asked who else had a dog that looked like ours (and she is 85lbs). I stupidly informed him that wasn't a dog, but a coyote. Then W started squealing like a little girly girl. Of course that made the coyote take off into the horse pasture. I am sooo glad our dog didn't take off after it. So, once again W is terrified even step onto the back porch, take 5 steps and put the garbage in the outside can without dragging our dog along for the ride. Of course I don't think it would do any good to contact fish and game or animal control. They would probably just tell us to move to the city. And as long as he can squeal like that, W won't have anything to worry about.
So, we tried a new recipe for dinner tonight. It was sauteed chicken with herbed soba noodles. I thought it was good. I think D liked it, although he thought the noodles were a little dry. H hadn't had a nap and knew we were going to wrestling, so he just ate the chicken and kept trying to say wrestling. W went to a birthday party last night and was coming down off nitrates from the pizza and dye from the cake, so he wouldn't eat anything. He just sat there a bawled about how he wanted ketchup for the chicken but refused to ask for it. Anyway, the noodles may have been just a touch dry, but had a good flavor. I'll post the recipe later. Hmm, now I'll have to find another cool recipe to spring on my family an hour before we have to go someplace...
So, not much going on for the next week. No wrestling this weekend and only one more week of practices. I may get together with MandM for lunch, if her kids are healthy and maybe D will babysit...(D, you can answer me when you read this). It will be nice to get back into a more casual routine.
Hope everyone has a good week.
Morning mist on our lake after last years storm

What could be better than sitting in a deck chair drinking coffee and chatting with the gals???
Thursday, January 8, 2009
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OMG! We had chicken with herbed soba noodles this week too! How crazy is that??? I just got a subscription to Everday Food from Martha Stewart. I love their shop smart/eat smart section. It gives you a shopping list, and then 7 recipes you can make when you have everything on the list. They all take way under 30 minutes (some of them were easier than mac&Cheese), are low fat, and all of the ingredients cost us (with commisary prices) under $60! We made all 7 and they were super yum! We made a turkey one and the chicken with soba noodles in addition to the list. Love it!! I don't know if they have it on the website or not, but my kids loved the sweet and sour pork one, and we got to use the chopsticks Brenda gave us!
I can't believe you thought of the marble and cardboard games! My kids would have a blast with both. You are too dang creative!
I've been following your area of the world on the news. The flooding and rains have made the news all the way here! That's just crazy. I don't miss that part of Astoria.
I'm so glad things are looking good for H. Keep us posted.
Living near a coyote would scare me too! I'd be screaming like a girl too! lol
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