Okay, so it's not mothers day yet and it's way past Thursday. So I'm a little time challenged.
I don't know what I have done this week, but it sure went fast. I think the next few months will be consumed with preparing for day camp and making sure that everyone in our pack earns their rank badge for the year. Oh yes, and I will be cursing baseball the entire time.
Since W didn't have a game this week, we had two boys show up for scouts. (curse baseball). It sure makes it hard to plan what to do when you know no one is going to show up.
So, we now have 4 boys that have earned their whittling chip (meaning they have been qualified on a pocket knife). Good grief, who's idea was that?? But, I guess it was inevitable. Now they have their cards. They can only carry their knife when they have been given permission to. And the best part is, if they are breaking any of the rules on the back of their card we can tear a corner off...or just take their card. If they loose all 4 corners, they have to re-earn their card...if we let them. I'm all in favor of never giving them permission to bring it to any scout function, but that would probably be wrong. Hmm, since we actually give the cards to the parents to award to their own boy, maybe the parents won't give them to them??? But, I guess the best part of the whole situation is, the other 3 boys who didn't come for those meetings missed out. That'll teach them.
Things are coming together for day camp. We went from having no one to run the range (and honestly, if you don't have bb's and archery what self respecting cub scout will come??) to having a plethora of range masters. It looks like we will have our retired LAPD guy back again, along with his retired prison warden wife, a local sheriff (the one who had to come out to our house on fathers day to referee between me and Dorothy the wicked witch to the north over the blackberries), even one of our council people is heading out to the sticks to help. Hmmm, do you think the boys will behave...at the very least they will wish they had. It's looking like we have a soldier from up the road to come for lunch one day and march the boys (in you best Monty Python accent) "up and down the square!!", we are doing the egg drop from the helo again, we are trying to get a ranger from the fort to come talk about what to do when you are lost for another lunch time. (BTW, why do the schools not teach that along with stranger danger, tsunami, fire and earthquake stuff??)
W has had 3 baseball games now (curse baseball). He had 2 games rained out and then made them up last night and this morning. H loves sitting on the bench with the big boys. There was one boy that was kind of freaked out that H was sitting next to him and grinning up at him, so he moved, only to be followed by H. Then it was a game. He has such a habit of insinuating himself into mascot status no matter where he goes. Anyway, W is not on the best team. But, that's okay because he's not the best player. The coaches have actually been putting him in the field almost every inning. They have 2 extra players that they always sit out (my thought...at this age, as long as they aren't doubling up on pitcher, catcher or basemen, does it really matter if they have 2 extra boys??) He is only good for about 2 innings though. Then he starts dreaming about butterflies or snakes or whatever is rattling around in his head. I swear he was picking daisies at today's game. I would say at least he's having fun, but I really don't think he cares that much. But, I think he'd sooner pitch a fit than quit. Arghh, only about another month of it. (curse baseball)
Okay, I will pay for this after he reads this, but here goes. I met MandM for pie and coffee this afternoon up by MiniMehe's old house. (I'd swear there was a whole birthday pie up there with a certain little blonde's name all over it...) Anyway, I was coming back across the bridge and saw D driving into town. I reached for my phone to call and see where he was going because the last I had heard he was shopping on our side of the bridge. Well, before I could dial he called me. Can you believe he had the nerve to ask me to follow him to the grocery store clear across town? I asked why he was going there and he said the can recycler at the first store wouldn't work (which oddly enough was one of the topics that came up over coffee and cheesecake). I asked why I needed to go too. He informed me that H stunk. (yes we haven't committed to boarding the potty train yet...argh) I said "you've GOT to be kidding me!!" But he wasn't. Okay, now I have to switch from the OMG, I can't believe this to the logic of okay the diaper bag is with me not him. And being fair, after I had to get off the bridge, go through the first parking lot only to realize there was no way in hell the tourists would let me make a left right back out to the traffic signal on such a nice sunny day, forcing me to turn right, then wait to make a left so I could sit at the next red light to be able to make a left back onto the highway (and yes, I had the little sponge bob voice in my head....2 hours later....) when I did get parked next to D, he was the one to change the diaper and even threw it in the nearby dumpster. Of course guess what happened after that...I had to sit and wait and wait and wait for a break in traffic to turn left to be able to go back across the bridge. But, as I'm typing this D did come through and gaze over my shoulder and I survived, so you will most likely hear from me again...
Well H is turning into quite the little chatterbox. The other day I was telling W he was going to loose his TV in his room because he has started felling he's entitled to watch it whenever he feels like it. Of course he wasn't happy about that and was complaining. The next thing I knew H glared at me and screamed "I wanna watch TV all the time!!" That's a 7 word sentence!! His speech therapist was even impressed when I told her. Of course we knew all that speech therapy was going to bite us in the ass one day. Well, looks like that day is here. He's officially learned to back talk.
Okay, updates on mothers day. I don't know what we will be doing. I'm guessing not going out for breakfast. I think that would be more crowded than church on Easter Sunday. W made breakfast (sausage and pancakes) this morning, so I probably can't expect that two days in a row. We may hit the market downtown since it's supposed to be nice.
Hope everyone has a good mothers day.
Morning mist on our lake after last years storm

What could be better than sitting in a deck chair drinking coffee and chatting with the gals???
Saturday, May 9, 2009
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So Laurie? Tell me, How do you feel about baseball? Ha!
Are you sure you are planning a day camp and not boot camp? Prison wardens, sheriffs, LAPD, a soldier? I think I saw something like that on an episode of true life!
I am sooo trying the chocolate cake with coconut (and the pecans) next time! That would be yummy!
Happy Mother's Day to you too!
Funny thing, just yesterday DJ came out of his room carrying his fireman's chit...lol. Oh the days of day camp! You're awesome for taking on that responsibility!
A has 3 baseball games this week too. I'm going to be SOO thankful when the season is over. We played Saturday in 90 degree heat and it's only going to get worse from here.
If you see M&M tell her to get on and update us! I miss her. :o)
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