Oh, wait, yesterday was Thursday. Good Grief!! A week ago I had nothing but blogging on my schedule for Thursday. Then I ended up with PT, then a join night for scouts all the way at the other end of town. (I figured we wouldn't pick up anyone for our pack, but since I'm the day camp person I went). Then a meeting for day camp that was supposed to be Wednesday was rescheduled for yesterday. I figured since D was off work...again...we could hit Costco real quick and come home for lunch. But, that stretched to a quick trip into the feed store and then a long stroll through Home Depot...were we found the same item from the feed store....for $2 less. (Hmm, and if it was cub scout candy I would say it was worth spending more to support scouts. Does that carry over to "buy local"?)
So, today is nuts for me. H has speech, which shouldn't be a big deal. But today is also the deadline for early registration for day camp. I had planned to have our pack all taken care of last week. I mean why not. All the boys earned 100% of their camp fee with fundraising, so I didn't have to wait for parents to get the balance to me. But, then I found out that I had to include any new boys that are signing in our area. They have to be part of a pack in order to attend camp. But there are always a lot that join just to do camp and then don't stay in scouts. That just aggravates me because it messes with my numbers. I hate numbers. I like to spend a lot of time going over my numbers again and again before I give them up to anyone. Now my numbers are changing almost as often as the exchange rate and are due today and I can't go over them numerous times in an OCD fashion. And then there are the numbers for our summertime activity award!!! We have to have 50% participation at 3 events during the summer, but now we have other boys registered that may not stay in scouting past day camp. Ohhhh, there go my numbers again. Did I mention I hate numbers??
I am not cursing baseball as much this week. W had a game on Saturday. It was sunny and nice. It was at the nice new big field. H came home with multiple slivers in his hands from the bleachers. W bought a ginormous back of sunflower seeds from the concession stand to munch as he sipped hot spiced cider in the real dug out (Okay, even if it was cold and miserable, I don't think I would associate hot spiced cider with baseball...) I think I hear they lost 7-2, but I'm not even sure if they actually keep score. I think the innings go to so many runs or a certain time limit (whichever is shorter) and I think they only do 4 innings. But I don't know. (Oh, I know my grandpa who coached little league for 100 years would be rolling over in his grave, but I was raised by my non sporting parents, so what can I do.) Anyway, you couldn't have asked for nicer weather here for a game and they had fun, so really isn't that what's important? He was supposed to have a make up game Monday and practice Wednesday, but both were rained out (I think we had about 1 1/4 inches on Wednesday) So, kind of cursing baseball today. His make up game was rescheduled for tonight...and it's sunny so we will have to go. But, I will be tied up with day camp planning since the other day camp person's son is on the opposing team and I have to hand out medical forms to a few boys that are on the team.
Well, our scouts are getting their movie reward for the candy sale tomorrow. We are going to see Earth. Boy, you would think that would be an easy decision, but it wasn't. The theater doesn't know until Monday nights what will be showing and at what time on the following Saturday. So, I kind of suspected Earth would be showing, and it's G and fits in with the earthy theme of scouting. Of course if we had waited until the end of the month we suspect Night at the Museum 2 will be there. Hmmm, no guarantee and it's PG (for "occasional language"...that make me think of one of the biggest mysteries of the universe...what is an occasional table during the times it's not a table...oh, I'm rambling...) But the really difficult part was that Up will be in theaters on the 29th and looks like it would have been sooo cool, but no guarantee. When it comes right down to it though, I think the boys in our pack will like this movie and are going to be sooo happy with the tour of the projection room and the goodies they will get.
Tri Not To Care.....Last month everything was supposed to be on track with getting our allotment set up for the premium...or was it. Yesterday we received a letter saying we were being set up on quarterly payments because our allotment was cancelled. So I called the local nit wit. At first she said she didn't remember us filling out an allotment form, but then she found it. She made some calls to see what was going on and said we now have to call an 800 number to see why the allotment was declined. Does that mean D's retirement pay has been cancelled?? I really would say they are the blind leading the blind, but I think it's more like the idiots running around with the nit wits. I could be wrong though and their master plan is to get us soooo confused and upset that we go with someone else because they are having to pay out so much with H's surgeries and therapy.
So, I have to add some more information on the diaper issue I mentioned last week. D tells me I keep omitting one crucial piece of information. He said he planned to just show up where I was having coffee with MandM, but I left too early. Now he says that I wouldn't have even known he stopped by. But you all know how the lot is at the market by MiniMehe and Monkeybugs old houses, so I don't know....Okay, you are all fully informed on that situation now, so I can't be in trouble anymore...our could I???
Anyway, speaking of MandM. I passed along that she is falling behind on her blogging. She said she would update, but I see she hasn't yet. She's been swamped with running around and house guests this week. But I will tell you that Miss S is just growing like a weed. She is speaking a lot more. And she is really putting mom through her paces now that she's potty trained. Like clockwork, as soon as our food arrives Miss S decides she needs to mark territory. And she looks so sweet as she carries out her master plan to make sure mom never gets a nice hot meal...
Well, W is still lobbying for a new kitty. He's really turned into quite a slacker with his chores. Our poor dog. He never remembers to give her water at night, so we have to. I keep telling him that if he can't keep up with one pet he shouldn't get another. Of course if we got a cat, it would pretty much be his so that might make a difference. I must admit, it's nice not having to deal with an indoor cat (which is what any cat we had would be) and I fantasize about how nice it would be not to have the dog. But it just feels weird not to have a cat and I know we would miss the barking furball if she were gone.
So, Greys Anatomy....OMG, didn't really see all of that coming. I won't say more than that though since I know MiniMehe isn't up to speed. Who's watching Lost now? Don't like the ending. I have no idea what they are going to do for the last season. The way they have done the whole show, they could all be dead now and the last season could just be retrospective of the characters from the first crash, or they could just omit them all together for the last season and go back to the time before everything but the foot of the statue disappeared. What a crazy show.
Anyway, my coffee is gone now and the sun is fully up. I suppose that means that I should switch gears
Morning mist on our lake after last years storm

What could be better than sitting in a deck chair drinking coffee and chatting with the gals???
Friday, May 15, 2009
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Goodness, what's it going to take for Tri-not-to-care to figure it all out? If I were you, I'd call Tricare and ask about a formal complaint procedure (I know they have one). I'd file a complaint against the gal on base.
When is W out of school? Does H have school in the summer or does he get a break?
Man! You guys are always so busy! My family looks like a bunch of slackers next to yours!
You have to let us know how Earth was. I saw some promo stuff for it at Disney World and it looked cool.
You also have to post pictures of the new kitten!!! (oh come on! you sooo know your getting one!)
Lost? All I can say is that the title doesn't refer to the people on the island, it refers to the viewer at home!
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