And I am thankful for each of you for so many reasons, but here are the top reasons. MandM, you are my adult conversation and weekly sanity check. Mini Mehe, you have that perfect balance between humor and practicality. Monkeybug, OMG, so how can one person have such a variety of talents and cool ideas? So, Puppy1Bug2, I love how I never have to guess what you are really thinking!! Pete's Haus, oh, I know you so get it with the MIL ranting (I always smile when I think of antiques...)
Well, we managed to make it through Thanksgiving without watching Planes, Trains and Automobiles. I'm a little surprised.
We had a pretty normal typical Thanksgiving. Up early to read the black Friday ads over coffee and breakfast. My SIL did the very smart thing and made dinner more of a pot luck. She provided the turkey, spuds and stuffing and desserts. We brought the ham, rolls and cranberry relish. Her husbands siblings brought the rest. That just makes for such a relaxing dinner, well, until the chaos of actually getting the food spread between two tables with the milling about as you fill your plate and argue over who sits at the kids table, the breakfast bar or the big table. She has an awesome house for gatherings like this.
So, the kids seemed to have a good time. They got to play with their cousins' two boys. On Thursday more kids showed up. One was H's other girlfriend. She is about a year younger than him. My SIL's SIL came with her 2 week old granddaughter. That is W's new girlfriend. I think he snagged that baby and held her before some of the grandma's in the house could snatch her. He just loves babies.
Of course D had to work today, so we came home last night. No shopping for me. You know what, the world hasn't come to an end either. And I seriously doubt that I will actually have to go a year without socks by not hitting Freds this morning before the crow peed. It would have been nice to go to a better JoAnns than we have, but I will probably live having missed that as well.
So, this last week has been fairly calm. W recovered from his ear infection in record time. The doctor told me to keep him home Thursday and Friday last week to give his body time to recover. Well, at 9am Thursday I was thinking that the doctor obviously doesn't know my kids as well as I do. We did go to lunch with MandM and Miss S. After he finished eating W looked a little tired, but the rest of the day he was full of energy...and well, you know, that stuff that all guys are full of. So, Friday it was off to school for him.
D had a good weekend. I didn't see much of him Sunday. He had moved his truck down to the shed and I just assumed he was changing oil or something. When he came back up at the end of the day I mentioned maybe going out to pick up a pizza. He said if I wanted pizza I had to drive since he had about 5 beers that afternoon. When I asked what he'd been doing in the shed he got a little uppity. He informed me that he was sitting in the shed (or as he called it, his man cave) drinking beer and rocking out to his 8 track tapes. I have to admit, my jaw kind of hit the floor. I mean, what a weird way to spend the day. And you know he knew it was weird since he was instantly defensive. When I was able to speak again I told him that was going in my blog. I didn't think he could sound more defensive, but he did. He told me to just go ahead and put it in. He was sure that Mini Mehe's husband would totally relate. Of course he's so young that he may not know what an 8 track is...
We have a busy weekend lined up. Tonight W and his scouts are in the holiday parade. (We didn't do a float this year, so just lanterns and glow sticks. Next year though...I think someone told me there was a $100 cash prize for first place.) Tomorrow W has his first wrestling meet. It's here in town, so that's nice. We were told that there would be somewhere around 300 wrestlers. It's double elimination, so every kid gets to wrestle at least twice. I expect that will be W's magic number. He sure has a lot of fun with it, but he doesn't understand the concept of not getting pinned yet.
Next week will be a little different. W has no school on Monday. Hmmm, thought that early release on Wednesday was supposed to eliminate those in-service days. Oh well, that means no cub scouts...but unfortunately with Christmas vacation we only have 2 regular meetings this month. I'm hoping that we can get together with MandM and Miss S for lunch soon.
So, I hope everyone has a good week. You will have to check back later for my recipe of the week. I haven't thought of what to post yet...
I laughed my butt off at the Man Cave thing. I had to stop long enough to tell P all about it. He said "of course I know what an 8 track is, i'm not that much younget than D." Glad to hear you had a good Thanksgiving. I just got off the phone with my neighbor in Astoria nad she told me about the fire in the Florist shop, so I had to watch the news fotage of it on KATU. Made me kind of miss the old town. We just put up our tree. We haven't decorated it yet, we will do that tomorrow. Today we ended up going for a nice drive to Holland, MI and wandered about, went to the local museum, and a wooden shoe making place. Lots of fun. We didn't buy any wooden shoes, but it was fun anyway. Say hello to D from P. You know, if Pete's Haus and MonkeyBugs hubbies are dating, than I think our hubbies were too at some point. They are soul brothers you know!
LOL! To be fair, I don't have all those good ideas, I just spend a way to much time on the internet stealing other peoples good ideas. Like stealing your idea for Parker house rolls with Thanksgiving dinner!
Why did I have an image of your husband with a flame thrower type blow torch in mind when you said he would be torching the ham. The little one is quite "dainty"!
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