Morning mist on our lake after last years storm

Morning mist on our lake after last years storm
What could be better than sitting in a deck chair drinking coffee and chatting with the gals???

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thursday with the kids

Okay, so today looks to be somewhat stressful. I have both kids today. Yikes

W has been home since Tuesday. He started getting sick within about a half hour of getting home from school Monday. Tuesday wasn't bad because he just slept all day while H would go in occasionally to poke him and see if he was done (not with a fork though...). Yesterday wasn't so easy. W had slept about as much as he could and was awake and feeling awful. So, off to the doctor we went. Now that we know what is wrong with him, he is much more forthcoming with his symptoms. Gee, I lost count of how many time I asked if he hurt anywhere, all over, felt chilled or hot. The only tummy feels tingly. The doctor took one look in his ears and jumped back rubbing his eyes from the blinding red light caused by two raging ear infections. Of course now we are hearing that his ears hurt since Sunday on our way back down the river and all day Monday.

So, D brought W home and I went to the pharmacy with H for anti nausea medicine and antibiotics. I was prepared for the standard 20 minute wait that would stretch to about 40...presumably to allow plenty of time to browse and buy things I didn't come in for and didn't need. (I did find that they carry dye free children's Motrin, where Fred's only carries infants in the dye free.) Well, of course they couldn't tell me right away they didn't have the antibiotic. They waited until they filled the other stuff first. They did call Fred's to see if they had it, so I went over there prepared to stand in line for another 30 minutes or so. About 50 minutes later!!! I was back at the counter after standing in a line that stretched from the counter to U-scan(!!!) and the woman couldn't remember the spelling of our name long enough to make 1 lap around the pharmacy. On her second lap she asked for W's birth date. She did bring a bag and a sticker back for me to sign on her third lap, which I assumed meant that I was done. Well, no, then I had to stand there while the pharmacist mixed it. I swear, had they told me to get back in line I would have demanded my prescription back and taken it back to our pharmacy and W would have had to wait until they could get it in stock!!

Of course, by the time I got home with his nausea medicine W didn't need it. It seems that just the knowledge that he wasn't dieing of some unheard of ailment was enough to give him reason to fight to live. And with just one dose of antibiotic, this morning he is running around the house whooping like a gibbon. All while H follows clucking like a chicken. My day is going to be hell.

So as I mentioned toward the top, we went up the river for the weekend. We went to a scout training up there. The boys stayed with D's sister's grand kids. They had a blast. I guess we did too. 5 of the 6 classes I took were good. The 6th was the one I was looking forward to the most. Unfortunately I think she was one of the instructors that was a last minute fill in, and it must have been last minute. Most of the class knew more than she did and we all took turns correcting her misinformation. One guy slept through the whole class and 3 other people left about 10 minutes into it. Anyway, we got a lot of good information on the CD as well as some good ideas from other leaders who were there.

I think H has officially recovered from his surgery. His head stitches are pretty much dissolved. I think the only thing keeping them on his head is the Nu-Skin they sprayed over the incision which also got into his hair. At least this time she pretty much had his hair laying in a normal direction when she sprayed it, so you don't really notice it much.

We are still waiting to hear back from the county on that position D interviewed for. We haven't gotten "the letter" yet, so there's still hope. I'm sure I was being silly when I hoped he would know in time to quit the fish flinging by next week. He has to work Friday. That means we would have to head up the river Wednesday night and come back after dinner Thursday. No Black Friday!! And of course if D is going to be working and driving right back up the river at 6am Friday, guess who gets to drive home Thursday. Anyway, big picture...he hasn't been turned down, so there's still hope he will get hired and have better days off.

Since we are spending so little time on Thanksgiving this year it doesn't look like we will fry a turkey. Bummer. My SIL just uses the electric roaster for hers. In the past we have brought our fryer and done a second turkey. Not this year though. I know I will make homemade rolls (they work great cook until almost brown, then frozen for the trip up and heated until completely brown...way better than Rhodes). We may take a homemade honey baked ham. Supper easy. Just buy a plain spiral sliced ham for a fraction of the cost, download the recipe for the honey baked ham mix, sprinkle the ham liberally and take a blow torch to it. D will have to do the blow torch before he hits the Tom and Jerry's too hard (or as I call them, nastiness in a cup, way too sweet).

So, W didn't miss any school last week for water days with our big storm. I was sure he would. The only affect I heard that it had on school here was at the high school. One day they made an announcement that any C.B. kids who wanted to go home had to leave their cars and take the bus home. That's just because we had extremely high tides with all the rain and run off. And of course that caused that section of HWY south of town to flood. My dad watches the HWY camera's on a regular basis (hmmm, old he is sending me links about the 2 faced kitten just born in Australia). He said he watched as one of the school buses went by throwing a huge bow wake. Anyway, we have a few more months for that. I mean really, last year he only went to school 7 days in December because of holiday's and wx. I was soo surprised when he didn't have to make any of it up.

Yippee, I'm almost completely done with popcorn!! We get all of our ordered popcorn tonight. Hopefully all of the units that have some coming will be there tonight and can just take it home. I sure don't want it in my garage. Now there is just the little bit of stress while we wait to see if anyone screwed up their orders. They are already signing units up for selling candy in the spring. I have already told them I am not going to manage the whole district on that. Fundraising is just sooo crazy.

So, I did find out that I have to go to a 3 day training session for day camp. No body told me that when they asked if I would be the assistant to the director last year. It sounds brutal. The first two days we supposedly start right after breakfast and go to about 10pm. I can only hope when they say breakfast they really mean a late brunch. Somehow I doubt it. At least the 3rd day sounds like it will follow suit with the classes D takes and we will be done around noon. And unfortunately the training isn't local. It isn't even just up the river. It's up north, which means I can't talk on my cell phone as I drive. And it's not even in the city, it's out a ways, so I'll probably get lost. Yea!! Anyway, after it's all done, I may be able to say it wasn't that bad.

Anyway, I am off to manage my zoo, I mean my children. Since W has sooo much new found energy, he is going to lunch with us. We are just going to the little restaurant up the road, so it shouldn't be too taxing.

Hope everyone has a good week.


Anonymous said...

Still sending "good luck" vibes to Dave. Hope he gets that job!!

Sorry to hear Will's sick. Sending some "get well quick" vibes.

I'm not a turkey person, so I always make ham for Thanksgiving. This year I'm making ham & turkey, plus my mother-in-law is bringing duck. Enjoy your day!

The Monkey Bugs said...

Oh please, please, please post a pic. of your husband blow torching a Ham! Too Funny!
I hope everyone in your family feels better soon, sick kiddo's are no fun!
I hope Dave gets his job! Hopefully they don't make you wait too long to find out!

The Monkey Bugs said...

Yes I am a skilled hunter! My dad used to take us to the archery range all of the time, made sure we took all the appropriate safty courses, and bought me my first hunting you can imagine his pride when 16 years later I land my first deer with a Nissan Sentra!