Well, I am starting to feel better now. Thank God for my 600mg Motrin. I think it's the only thing that has kept my throat from being too sore to swallow food. On the upside, my back hasn't been bothering....Anyway, I'm thinking that I am actually going to live.
It seems like we have been busy this week. Maybe it's just because I haven't had a chance to sleep in until 6 or so for close to 2 weeks. That will change Saturday!!
Monday our scouts took a tour of the FD down the street from the school. They had a blast. They say "keep the outing in scouting". Now I know why. You don't have to put much effort into your meetings!! I had our denner lead the pledge, reminded the boys to behave and not destroy the fire house, then turned it over to the fireman. The kids were hanging on his every word. They did everything he asked. OMG, it was like watching your own child be an angel for someone else!! H was sooo cute following along with the big boys. I don't have the heart to tell parents that siblings can't be included. If I did, I would have a hard time keeping H from participating.
I think H honestly thinks he's a big kid. He had a blast with the hose...ha ha.
I think all of the kids had fun with the crawling and the cover, drop and roll.
Anyway, if you follow our local papers, keep an eye out over the next couple days. I submitted some photo's for them. Well, mostly these, but whatever.
So, H missed the bus yesterday. I can't believe it. At 730 I knew that I had about 45 minutes and he was all dressed and ready to go. Before I knew it, the bus driver was calling from the end of the driveway to see if he was coming. She said she would go ahead and pull up the driveway while I got his coat on. Well, that meant that he was rudely interrupted from Little Einsteins and had no transition time. I took him to the bus screaming, thinking once out there he would be happy and go. Guess again. So I had to drive him, which cut into my me time, but it was my fault. Anyway, he was in a good mood when he got home, so that's good. He was so proud of his latest treasure to be brought home from school...a note reminding us that there is no school for the next two weeks because of spring break. No me time...
D's parents are coming in a couple weeks. I thought they weren't coming until the end of the month, but the camp hosting job they have called and they need to start early. So, now we actually have to decide what we are going to do for Easter. I guess they will be here for one week, then at my SIL's for one week. Easter falls in the middle, so we could go either way. I see a potluck in our future with D being the master flamer on the ham...
Well, I am off to get ready for PT and grocery shopping. Neither sound fun.
Hope everyone has a good week.
1 comment:
Have fun with your IL's. My MIL is coming for Easter. Yikes. Hopefully since her husband isn't coming, she'll behave.
You have something better than yummy ice cream places - you have coffee huts!! I miss coffee on every corner, and drive-thru coffee places. Starbucks is so overrated!
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