So, we are almost through with Spring Break. I don't know why I thought that spring break meant a break for me. I know it is really for the kids.
W has sold enough candy that we are down to just $50 that we will have to pay for his summer camps. He has two more weekends to sell, so I'm thinking we will be fine. We had him at Fred's last weekend and he sold $220 each day. The second day we put out a donation jar and his donations went from about $6 to $22. He has finally clued in that the full amount he sells doesn't get credited to his account, only 60% of the packs commission. I am so glad that we set up our bookkeeping so that each boy gets credit for his own sales. That gives them so much more incentive to actually sell and not expect to sit back and let one or two others sell everything. I'm mean really, if I have to take my kid around to sell, so should every other parent.
H had his pediatric development followup (from being in the NICU) this week. We always go up there knowing that the are going to paint such a grim picture of his progress. Well, this time it was just the doctor, no PT or Speech therapist. Anyway, she said that at his age, she would expect he would know his last name as well as his first. When she asked what you do when you are hungry he said "nanana", well, she was looking for him to say "eat" so she marked him down for that. Also she tried to get him to draw a circle on paper and he would only scribble. When she showed him how to do it he copied her circle, then paused and gave a sneaky little look and scribbled all over his circle. Then when she wanted him to draw a plus, he was just copping attitude and scribbled again. Based on that she thought he may need OT again for his fine motor skills, but when she asked him to stack some little blocks (which I was sure he would do his usual and line them up as a train) he was able to quickly stack them 10 high...and then he knocked them down and made a train...complete with the whistle and an "all aboard". Then he was able to copy when she made a bridge with 3 blocks. She said that both block tasks were pretty much on target for his age, but I'm sure she was still on the verge of saying he needed more therapy. Good grief. Anyway, he's happy, healthy, had an MRI, several CT's, chromosomal she couldn't think of anything else to do with him and let me take him home. Oh, yes, and of course a couple days before his appointment he flipped he was getting up on his stool and flipped it up catching himself in the lip. OMG, the amount of dark red blood that came gushing out of his lip!! I was sure he would need stitches, but it stopped right away. Then a couple days later a bruise started showing form his lip to his chin. I was sure she would take one look at that and decide he was abused or neglected and keep him, but she never even mentioned it...or all the little boy bruises he's sprouting in his shins. Whew!!
We tried to take the boys to the zoo yesterday...along with everyone else on spring break. I had PT in the afternoon, but was able to change it to a morning appointment. I should have just cancelled it so we could have been in the lot about an hour before they opened. It was absolutely insane. I told D that I would just drop him and the boys at the gate and I would go to the scout store then go park someplace until he called saying he was done. We finally decided to just go to the museum across the river. (It's the first time any of us had been there since it moved.) I was sure that their lot would be just as insane, but it wasn't bad at all. We found a spot right away and didn't even have to stand in a line to get in. I think we needed a leash for both boys though. D decided we would just concentrate on keeping H in view and that W could fend for himself. Well, that worked well until all of a sudden H was gone. There just happened to be a security person right there, so I told her and we split up looking for him. I walked the full length of the building we were in calling him. Then I heard this tiny little voice saying "mama". I looked up and there he was up on the balcony. He had been wanting to ride the glass elevator, so my first thought. Well, he actually had gone up a stairway, taken the catwalk across and walked the length of the building with me. Of course he was right next to a stairway when I saw him, but he didn't realize it, so he took off for the other end of the building and W spotted him crossing the catwalk and snagged him. Good grief. Culture can be traumatic! I don't think we will go in public again until they are both in college or something.
So, now I am off to get H ready for speech and W ready to sell candy.
Hope everyone has a good week and I will reply to your posts later today.
Morning mist on our lake after last years storm

What could be better than sitting in a deck chair drinking coffee and chatting with the gals???
Friday, March 27, 2009
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